A new study by University of Chicago Crime Lab of the Chicago-based anti-violence program READI has provided some of the best evidence that violence can be reduced for individuals at the highest risk of being a victim of violence or of victimizing others without arresting them or throwing them in jail. Participants for this study were recruited by outreach workers or from a list of high-risk Chicagoans in most at-risk communities including Austin, Englewood, North Lawndale, West Englewood, and West Garfield Park.
The trial followed 2,500 men in these violent neighborhoods. It found that the men who participated in an intensive, 18-month program called READI Chicago were nearly two-thirds less likely to be arrested for a shooting or homicide and nearly 20% less likely to be shot or killed themselves when compared to a similar group who were not in the program. The key components of READI‘s program include cognitive behavioral therapy, as well as job and educational training, all of which is supported by the staff’s relentless engagement. To learn more about this research, click here to read the full article.
Article by Andy Grimes/ Sun-Times Photo by Tyler Pasciak LaRiviere/Sun-Times